Selection of projects i have worked on. Some are just MVPs to validate an idea, others are more advanced web apps.
A jobboard for renewable energy jobs. Built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn/UI, MongoDB and Algolia.
A crowdfunding platform for climate projects. Built with Next.js on github pages.
A directory of sustainability softwares. Built with Next.js, Contentlayer and Tailwind CSS.
A directory of books categorized by topic which are considered to be worth reading. It uses Next.js, shadcn/ui/Tailwind CSS and Supabase.
A platform for cycling enthusiasts to share their bike builds, parts and events. Built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Contentlayer.
A directory of refurbished tech products with a Blog. Built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Contentlayer and Supabase.
csv2ai takes a csv of product descriptions and optimizes the description and title, optimizes for SEO and lets you translate everything to 100+ languages. This is the result of a freelancing gig i did for a client. Built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Contentlayer and Supabase.
Read moreThis Website :D
This website is a portfolio of my projects and a blog (once i start the blog...). Built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Contentlayer.
Read morefoodjuggler
A MVP i made some time back to test the first OpenAI API: Suggests a recipe based on the given ingredients and creates a picture of it. Built with Streamlit and OpenAI API.
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Selection of my opensource contributions. is an ngo that helps people assess if their bank is investing in fossil fuels. I actively contribute as a data software engineer.
Read moreHuggingface Hub
Hugging Face is the leading NLP company in the world. I have contributed to their open-source projects, especially the Huggingface Hub.
Read moreProtontypes
A Free Community Accelerating Open and Sustainable Technology. I am a member of the organization and contribute to various projects, mainly in the field of NLP.
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